
Appreciate your encouragement, Sandra, and your sharing from experience. You have such a beautiful blog, but yes there always has to be a beginning. You kept going because you were doing what you loved. Others will always love to follow people who in turn are following their passion.

Posted by on December 15, 2012 at 6:23 pm Thank you Rosemary!Confidence takes time to acquire – we cannot do it over night. But I find that with small tasks completed one step at a time, this is a great way to build it.Have a Very Merry Christmas!DonnaDonna.Merrill recently posted..

Thanks for this article. As a new homeschooler with young kids, this has been such a struggle. I feel so much pressure( family members that are or have been teachers) to conform to public school standards as some way of gauging how my kids are doing. It really does suck the fun out of learning. Needed the reminder to have fun!

You can count your lucky stars if it only takes 2-3 days for you to get your money back. That would be very fast for paypal. I had to wait over 3 months to get my money back after I bought an item and paypal charged me 3 times for one purchase. They took the money instantly but were not nearly as fast at returning it. I don’t use them since but haven’t closed my acc yet. Sure that will be a problem too.

I’ve never read Joyce, but that’s not because I think he’d be too difficult. I read for the story and I guess it does come down to what is literature? There was never a doubt in my mind that this would be too difficult for you ever.

...that sleezy ho herman denies my wife and i the same legal marriage his nasty germy lying ass has----------But Alicia, you can have "the same legal marriage" as old Herman. The rules are the same for everyone: you can marry anyone of the opposite sex.Herman is not allowed to marry someone of the same sex either.There is no discrimination under the law.

Godmorgon Lördag! Ja Madickenfilmerna var och är en favorit, älskar inredningen, huset och kläderna ja hela atmosfären är ljuvlig. Så fint med dina advenstjärnor. Och nya Molly kollektionen var ju helt ljuvlig, nu måste jag nog köpa mig en snart :-)Jag har en Award till dig och din vackra blogg. Kika in på min sida. Kramis Paula

Toujours à propos des Français et des sujets qui fâchent , je ne saurais trop conseiller la lecture de “Voyage au bout de la nuit” qui devrait bien plaire à l’auteur du Blog.Du reste, pourquoi ne pas ouvrir une rubrique Littérature ?

Huhu!!Herzlichen Glückwunsch und viel Spaß mit Deiner neuen Aufgabe! Das wird bestimmt schön und ich freu mich schon auf Deine Werke.Deine Karten sind übrigens mega-klasse und absolut perfekt ! Super!Liebe GrüßeVroni

I would be so happy to meet Alex Perry to have the opportunity to ask him about his Sydney-Opera-House-Barbie-Dress. I am an opera singer and am longing to wear it to my next concert.Besides, I am creating my own dresses which women want to steal (or buy) from my body!