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Pas de transition entre les 2 parties ? Surprenant !- le service de Bartoli- l’hyperactivité de Roddick et ses tics- les smashs dans le filet de Kuznetsova- la démarche toute molle de JMDP

Hvorfor skal alle bry seg om du er homofil eller ikke?Jeg hadde likt deg uansett, Toro! :D:DHvorfor skal alle bry seg om du er homofil eller ikke?Jeg hadde likt deg uansett, Toro! :D:D

What a concept – educational funding targeted to the customer – i.e. the student – instead of bulidings, bureacracies, and unions. When looking at education for what we really want from it – student achievement – and target the money towards that goal, rather than buildings, tenure, unions, and campaign contributions, only good things can happen.

I love making soup during winter. My parents make an amazing vegetable soup. Gosh I have so many!! I absolutely love potato and leek soup. I've never actually made it but there is a place we drive to in a little country area in Victoria that makes an amazing soup. Great blog Jessica. I stumbled across it via The Wellness Warrior and saw your interview with Vegies and Me.

EXCELLENT!! Trisha, what a beautiful job you have done with this post. So practical, and so right on the money. This is a perfect prescription for a solid marriage. Thank you Becky for hosting this today.Much love to both of you!

There’s an astonishingly analytic account of the etiology of the disturbances on, of all places, Fran Kelly’s Breakfast on RN.I despaired of the day when something worth listening to on that show would puncture the vacuity that is the stock-in-trade of its regular host. Today at least, there was someone capable of brushing her and her tropes to one side and speaking sense.

Chris, great job. Tom's such a great man and Ron Hughes. I gotta write the phone number Tom gives for the next business maniac that wants to do biz in Downtown. We're crazy folk!

Wyjrzyj za okno. Tym jestesmy. Niczym. Ktokolwiek dal sie poniesc politycznej propagandzie, ktora wpaja nam od kilku lat, ze Polska liczy sie w swiecie, chyba nigdy nie byl za granica.