
this video is a red herring of sorts. The powers that be; flood the internet with fake UFOs, that are simply oil platform flares or balloons launched from party events and schools. Usually out of Mexico. This is to hide the real UFOs that take place. by flooding the internet with bogus accounts it allows the real events to be equally questioned or presumed as fakes.

Et le rapport logique entre « des scientifiques pensent avoir trouvé l’origine d’un phénomène jusque là inexpliqué mais en aucun cas nié par la communauté scientifique » et « complot à base de télépathie et d’EMP que même les X-Men ils peuvent pas le tramer » est…Attendez, je branche mon appareil et le vais le lire directement dans votre cerveau. Ah ce qu’il est pratique d’être un Illuminati au quotidien.

Bon, « Olivier » m’a suggéré par mail de vérifier si je fermais correctement mes balises « ul » (je vous rassure, je ne mets pas de guillemets dans le code)… De fait, je les ai fermées mais, maintenant, j’ai un espace entre chaque commentaire. Bref, je vais creuser en ce sens…

Kelly, I'm so glad you liked the pics, and yes, my family rocks to have honored me with such an awesome dinner. Celebrating achievements together is a great family joy. ;-)

One other thing I'd like to clarify, it's absurd to think a President can "fix" an economy all by himself. He can, however, mess things up worse a la Obama.

Saw the Labs Instant Preview section today and given we are always interested in how Google can help us etc., this one left us mystified... it generated one Fetch error with this

My turning point was my junior year; during a two-week period I had to read “The Jungle” for English class and we watched “Death in the Afternoon” for Spanish class. The combination put me over the edge – although to be fair, I had been teetering on that edge for most of my life at that point.

Ho messo Aleppo due volte; poco male, si vede che ho la curiosità di visitarla.Ma si può inserire qualunque altra località “loro”, facciamo Alessandria di Egitto?PSChe scemenza di definizione “noi” e “loro”: di Alessandria sono Ungaretti, Kavafis, Demetrio Stratos e George Moustaki (Yussef Mustacchi) e Pallada il Meteoro bis-bis-bis-bis-tris-quadrisavolo di una famiglia di qua

La game boy…1990, la 6eme et la revolution video ludique.C est dingue de penser a l evolution de tout ca en si peu de temps et de la place que ca prend desormais. Les casques ne sont pas encore la mais ne devraient pas tarder non ? « biong!tulululu »

Clean and Jerk: 175 PR. Could barely get that last clean up, it’s interesting to see some people (like me) think the jerk is easier, some think the clean.Pullups: 22. And Rx, I think I’m through with the bands…finally figured out the mental part of kipping! Hands were torn up though.WOD: 46 Rx. Wow. Maybe toughest ever, couldn’t catch my breath from minute 4 to about 11. 9 in the first round and after that I doubted I’d break 30.